• An annual exhibition of Hajj and Umrah equipment under the name: (Hajj Forum and Exhibition)



    Dear/ subscribers of the Chamber


    Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best greetings, and would like to inform you of receiving the letter of the Coordinating Council of the institutions and companies of Hajj pilgrims service No. 1394 dated 29/6/1440 AH, which includes the intention of the Coordinating Council for the institutions and companies serving the pilgrims inside and in partnership with Al Harithy Company for  Exhibitions (Strategic Partner of the Coordinating Council) to hold an annual exhibition of equipment for Hajj and Umrah under the name: (the Forum and Exhibition of Hajj's Equipment), which will be held on 10 - 12 Shaaban 1440 (15 - 17 April 2019)

    At Hilton Hotel Jeddah.


     The Council hopes that you could participate and enrich the exhibition products of the region.

     For more information and co-ordination, please contact Mr. Mohammed Bin Saad Al Ahmadi, Consultant for Initiatives and Partnerships, on Mobile number (0555480487), OR Email (almjls@mutahed.com), OR Phone number (0125562424), Or Fax (0125564141).

     Link to the exhibition website (www.saudihajjexpo.com). ​

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